Sunday, April 21, 2024

Updates (including Mental Health Check-In)


😆 New Profile Pic is doing the most.

Greetings everyone! I hope all have been doing well. It seems like everywhere I look, I see AI. I played around with it for the picture you are seeing to provide a brief amount of levity.

Okay, so how am I doing ... really?

The answer isn't changing as much as it has been, although for a while, it was changing daily. The hardest part is continuing to have patience with myself as I'm processing this gigantic loss in my life.

This may sound strange to some people, but I've never witnessed the processing of grief unfold. I didn't grow up in an environment or an age where therapy was the first stop. It was usually the last stop, or more often, the skipped stop. You push the emotions associated with it and press forward. 

"Life goes on" as they say.

To assist with my process, I initially was going to handwrite. Yet, due to the arthritis in my hands, it does get difficult to write for long bouts. I tossed that idea in place of a separate blog titled "Complexities of Grief".

Complexities of Grief (C.O.G.) is the space where I'm working through things.

It is not going to be as neat, tidy, or structured as this blog or even my author website (important update on that momentarily). Yet, it is not supposed to be because grief isn't a neat thing.

In my opinion, the subject matter itself is the trigger warning; therefore, there isn't a trigger warning given. C.O.G. is more intimate, so more than likely, those who are closest to me may be the primary people who read the entries. I don't expect anyone else to.

I haven't decided if I'm cutting comments off, but I do have it set up where I monitor them closely. I'll disable the feature immediately if it gets too out of hand.

Speaking of Queen of Spades, as much as I love the functionality of WIX, I will be changing to something more ... dare I say, affordable. I knew the price was increasing, but due to other fiscal responsibilities, the current price point was no longer worth it to me. The link will be the same; the web host will be different. However, I will not disable the WIX site until the other site is finished. I will alert everyone when the transition has been completed.

I am coming out with another writing project (yes, under my name, not the pseudonym). Originally, it was scheduled for this month, but now I'm looking at mid to late June. Under the circumstances, the rescheduled date is going to work better. It will allow me to return to a creative space, which hasn't been as present with life's curveballs.

Okay ... this is about as short and sweet as I can get this.

I am slowly yet surely making the social rounds. I wasn't and haven't been upset at anyone. At times, I go quiet as I work though things. Plus, I didn't want to cause too much worry, especially when I was fluctuating from feeling well to sad to numb regularly.

Take care everyone.

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