Monday, February 4, 2013

Unleashed Gets A Facelift

Reference:  Let Me Upgrade Ya

For a while, I have been hinting that I wanted to do some upgrades to my page.  It hasn't been an easy task.  Either the things I wanted to do with it didn't fit the template.  Or the template was too busy.  Or it seemed too complicated to manipulate.

See, I like for something to be multifunctional as well as dynamic.  However, I also need it to be simple enough to manipulate without my always having to call in someone extra to help.

The start was a bit rocky because my computer wasn't cooperating with the intial loading of the template, so I did get some help with that.  However, once that was done, I had to figure out how to manipulate the HTML along with what I wanted to put where.

I was very determined, to say the least.  It was more than my figuring out what code to put where.  I'm the type of person who likes to figure out the why, so the next time I have to do it, then I will really know what to do, not just memorize something for one moment and then forgetting it.

There are many things I like about the new design:

1. It has the feature where I can showcase top posts via Flash/Slideshow.  It was hard for me to decide on a top 4, and even if I decide to change them, I know how to.

2. Cute little buttons where a person can subscribe to my No Labels Unleashed page on Facebook, my channel on You Tube, or follow me on Twitter.

3.  It's colorful but not overpowering.  I don't feel like the visuals are doing battle with each other.

4.  The upper menu bar I was able to arrange, so people can check out other areas besides my blog, like:

a. Publications--A link to how one can purchase works I've had out for a while, such as my presentation of Soulful Branches, Spaded Truths, and Private Pain.

b. Other blogs which show off other aspects of my writing.

c. Link to my presence on Word Press, including my newest blogs, The Fame and the Shame and The Review Board.

d. How to connect to be on Pinterest and Tumblr.

e. Snippest to my vocal interpretations of my poetry

5.  I also added a little Unleashed Radio in case some of you wanted to listen to some tunes while reading (just hit play since it doesn't automatically start up).

(pats myself on the back)

Another change I have made is deciding to take the warning off of my blog.  I feel like at this point, if someone has issue with any grown thing which is said, he can just not read it.  With the disclaimer off, I feel as if it opens me up to more people, and I welcome that now.  A few years ago, I wasn't quite sure.

So sit back and enjoy.


1 comment:

Reggie said...

I for one like the new look. I think you did a great job with your blog.