Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 21~Love, Take Me Away

21~ What is the most romantic location you would want to visit?

This location is not only the most romantic location I want to visit, but if I ever get married, my dream honeymoon spot would be here....

It would be in Jamaica!

And, oh, for so many reasons!  The breahtaking scenery.  It is a writer's paradise.  I do my best writing out in nature, but particularly on the beach and near the water. 

True, I could get that ambiance going on Point Pleasant Beach or the boardwalk out in NJ.  Heck even go to Coney Island in NY, which has a bit of charm for me.  But it's not the same as Jamaica...nothing but that beautiful sand, water, and's as if His handprints were there.

I know I haven't officially learned how to swim.  I'd just have fun putting my little toes in the water.  Maybe I will learn, but then there would be that temptation to scuba dive. 

I am also a big fan of the hotels and the villas; all of them are little slices of heaven in their own way.  I don't need anything super pricey...just some place comfortable with an amazing view.  A place that reserves the authenticity of the place, not overly touristy or commercialized...just for that feel.

Plus, I hear that Jamaican food is amazing.  Although I am not supposed to have very spicy food, perhaps it can be slightly adjusted and still work for me.  If I were here, I would definitely try some of the flavors of the place.

Yes, wonderful flavors and colors!

Speaking of flavors... did that Jamaican man get in here! 

What I was saying is that how rich the culture, the sights, the foods, and some of the guys are in Jamaica.  Before I head out, got to put some Bob on for your listening pleasure...

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